Pregnant women are more likely to develop gingivitis, and affects up to 70% of pregnant women.
The gums become swollen, red, and tender and while they are brushing and flossing. This condition is called Pregnancy Gingivitis.
Gingivitis occurs when plaque, which contains bacteria, builds up on teeth and produces toxins that irritate the gums. Pregnancy gingivitis is caused by the hormonal changes that increase the blood flow to the gum tissue and cause your gums to be more sensitive, irritable, and swollen. These hormonal changes also hinder the body's normal response to bacteria which can cause periodontal infections.
Pregnancy gingivitis is unlikely to be harmful to you or your baby, especially if you practice good dental hygiene. You may have heard that gum disease can cause preterm labor, but that's only a potential risk for women with severe gum disease. Pregnancy gingivitis is the mild level of gum disease and there is no doubt that it will be brought about more serious form of gum disease, which is called periodontal disease, if it is not being monitored. TREATMENT of Pregnancy gingivitis-
Pregnancy gingivitis and localized gingival enlargement occurs usually in the first trimester of pregnancy and extends onto third trimester.
Scaling and root planning can be performed from week 8 without without increased risk for pregnancy.
Gingivoplasty or Gingiviectomy may be required after pregnancy.
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