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Common causes of mobility of teeth

Common causes of mobility of teeth

Tooth mobility is one of the important reasons prompting patients to seek dental treatment.
It can lead to following-

  • Discomfort while function
  • Fear of tooth loss

The common causes in tooth mobility as follows:

Gum Disease and periodontal disease:

Because of poor oral hygiene, a thick and sticky layer of bacteria known as plaque can accumulate around teeth and later harden to become calculus.

The advanced stage of the gum disease is called periodontitis which can significantly damage teeth, gum and the bone which supports the teeth. If the periodontal disease is not treated at an early stage, it can lead to loss of underlying bone and eventually make the teeth mobile.

Bone disease (Osteoporosis):

Osteoporosis is a common disease can affect both men and women. During osteoporosis, the bone loose minerals like calcium or vitamin D, which in turn makes the bone brittle and fragile.

Traumatic injuries to dento alveolar unit:

Any injury to bone or teeth can lead to the mobility of the teeth in that vicinity.

Parafunctional habits like bruxism (clenching or grinding of teeth):

an lead to mobility of one or more teeth depending upon the severity.

o know more about the effects and treatment for bruxism, just click the link below-


Pathologic process of jaws:

Cysts, tumors or any other deformity of the jaw can lead to mobility of one or several teeth.

Periapical pathology:

Infection to the pulp of the tooth can spread to the apical area of the tooth resulting in mobility of the tooth

Pregnancy Hormones:

During the pregnancy in some women, increased level of hormones progesterone and estrogen can have consequences on the bone around the teeth and may cause teeth mobility.

At Normanhurst Dental, we examine our patients regarding the mobility of teeth and advice the management for the same at an initial consult.

Call us on 9989 8565 or book online at www.normanhurstdental.com.au to arrange for a check-up for your teeth.

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