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Since Ancient times cleanliness of teeth has been given utmost importance.  The ideal way of ancient living stresses the need to take proper care of your eyes and teeth.

Dentists recommend cleaning your teeth whenever you eat anything by gargling so as to take out any big particles of food caught in between your teeth. But to remove the small bits of particles you need to use toothbrush.

Toothbrush acts like a magic wand and cleanses every corner of our teeth but unlike Fairy’s magic wand the toothbrush needs to be changed on regular basis.

The toothbrush needs to be replaced whenever the bristles appear to be bent or worn out.  The brush should also be replaced after recovering from an oral infection or illness as bacteria might get lodged in the bristles and can cause re-infection.

A tooth brush is a tool which we use every day and it needs to be cleaned on daily basis. Following are few important tips for proper maintenance of a toothbrush-

  1. Wash it with warm water to remove any bacteria’s or fungi.
  2. Clean it with toothbrush Sanitizers available in market.
  3. Do not keep a wet toothbrush in a cabinet. Keep it upright in a rack or cup where it can dry out.
  4. Do not use closed cover, instead use a cover which has room for circulation of air. Complete coverage leads to the lack of air and can cause bacterial growth.
  5. Replace your toothbrush when its bristles start flaring. This rule applies to all sorts of toothbrushes, including electric or powered ones. Flared bristles of a toothbrush can cause trauma to the gums.
  6. Sharing a toothbrush is a big no no.
  7. Ideally toothbrushes should not be stored together as they might contaminate each other.

To summarise, toothbrushes are an important tool to maintain a good oral hygiene. They need proper care as our teeth. As it is said prevention is better than cure then why not prevent.

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