The Ultimate in air polishing- Prophyflex 4
PROPHYflex 4 is your air polishing device that combines ergonomic fit and less disturbing powder mist in just one handpiece. The beautifully designed handpiece enables precise and gentle cleaning, optimal supra- and subgingival application.
Benefits of prophyflex air polishing system:-
- Gentle and effective removal of biofilm and discolorations.
- Focussed and precise powder stream for highly effective cleaning and reduced powder mist.
- Perfect ergonomics and balance for less hand fatigue.
- Exceptional cleaning and enhanced visibility.
- The narrow shape of the cannula provides good visibility during supragingival cleaning.
- The precise little cannula for pockets. Perio Kit for focused and gentle subgingival treatment as well as cleaning bridges, implants and crowns.
- Work comfortably even at difficult-to-reach areas.
- Three levels of adjustment, with the first level for powderless cleaning of the teeth to remove powder residue. Levels 2 and 3 are for individually adjustable cleaning performances depending on the patient and indication.
Please come in today for a gap-free examination at Normanhurst Dental.
Book your appointment: (02) 9989 8565 | Mobile: 0481102207
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