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What Is Sedation Dentistry?
18 Mar 2019 | by admin

Sedation dentistry is a very simple procedure which uses medication...

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Common Dental Problems in Toddlers
22 Jan 2019 | by admin

There are several problems that affect the oral health of your little one.

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Common causes of mobility of teeth
22 Jan 2019 | by admin

Tooth mobility is one of the important reasons prompting patients to seek dental treatment.

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Did you clean your tongue today?
22 Nov 2018 | by admin

The tongue is inhabitant of huge number bacteria in the oral cavity. In spite of this fact many people...

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How to Manage a Dental Emergency
09 Nov 2018 | by admin

How to Manage a Dental Emergency? An emergency is a serious, unexpected, and often dangerous action...

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Why does my breath smell bad and how to cure it?
23 Apr 2018 | by admin

Bad breath or Breath malodor or Halitosis means an unpleasant odor of the exhaled air, or foul or offensive odour...

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Showing 18 to 24 of 35 entries
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